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with The Exorcist Files

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Christian vs Catholic Impact on Exorcism

Hello Ryan and Father Martins. I absolutely love this show. This question is mainly for Father Martins but Ryan’s perspective might also give some insight. Does the differences between other Christian religions teachings and Catholics ever hinder your ability to do an exorcism or at least a persons openness to one? Has this also caused any issues in the creation of this show?

Demons and Space Travel

Are demons confined to Earth, or do they have the freedom to leave the planet? If humans perfected space travel, could demons accompany them beyond Earth, or is their domain limited to this planet?

Described his/her experience?

Fr Martins, have you or other exorcists heard from a delivered person what it was like to be possessed? What they see, hear, experience, etc? It seems they are often the last to realize.

Blessed vs. Exorcised

Is there a difference between blessed salt or exorcised salt? Or holy water and exorcised holy water?

Mediums & Special Gifts?

What about those people who have mediumship abilities? Isn’t there a chance that God has allowed some to have special abilities? What does the Catholic Church say about them?