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with The Exorcist Files

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Baptism in the name of the triune God or Jesus?

Fr. Carlos, which biblical references, other than Matthew 28:18-20, support being baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? Many Christians argue Acts 2:38 states to baptize in the name of Jesus. Acts 19:5 also comes up because Paul baptized in the name of Jesus. Thank you Fr.

Is Halloween Demonic?

Hello. Hope all is well. I have a question I’ve been wrestling with for the last few years. Is celebrating Halloween, aka dressing up and going to friend’s costume parties, a sin/opening doors to the demonic/participating in the occult? As a non denominational Christian, it’s even celebrated by the Church. I am not aware of the history of Halloween and learning about yoga, the ouija, and the demonic has made me much more weary of it.

Breaking Generational Sin?

Hi Father. How does one renounce or break the bondage of generational sin? After listening to the episodes on Free Masonry and generational sin (i.e. the story of the alcoholic family) I am beginning to think my husband’s family may be in some sort of bondage to the sin of lust. My husband has been battling addiction to pornography through Celebrate Recovery, prayer, counseling, confession, etc. His brother and sister struggle in this area as well. My husband can think of no reason why he decided to look at pornography when he was just a child. There was no trauma event that he can recall. We have prayed over this before, but maybe the prayers need to be more specific. Any advice? We haven’t looked into if this has affected previous generations yet.

Sensitives that help exorcist in their ministry

Hi Fr. Martins, I am not involved in deliverance ministry in the strict sense but was thrusted in "that door" of God's house when I was discerning to be a contemplative nun and had to see the local archdiocese exorcist. Much has happened since then and the spiritual director that I have now thinks I am a sensitive. I was wondering if you can briefly speak about their ministry and role in the Church. Sometimes I think I'm crazy because I will see certain kinds of spirits that come out of peoples mouth when they talk, or I will see things, or get interior lights about a situation. I'm the chancery sacristan and I think there is a priest who has desecrated certain items in the sacristy and is trying to curse me; I've seen a spirit of corruption come out of his mouth. So I am just wondering how to navigate this situation, what I should pray, and if it is true that I am a sensitive and not being manipulated by the demons.