When I was about five years old, my twin brother and I played the levitation game, "Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board" with the neighbor kids. Around that same time, a witch came to visit us during the night. We both heard it, and in fact, one of us was so scared that he jumped in bed with the other. I can't remember if John jumped into my bed, or I into his. We had the covers pulled up over our head and cowered as the witch asked for some Jello. The whole thing sounds ridiculous, and the next day we told our stepdad about it and he brushed it off saying we probably had seen our mother. In the three years after that, all kinds of strange statements would come out of John's mouth. He died at 51, a hopeless alcoholic. Here's the question: Could playing "Light as a Feather, Stiff as a board," have opened a door to the demonic? Could his alcoholism, the worst I've ever seen or even heard about, have been a case of demonic oppression? Neither one of us were baptized, he never did get baptized, and I only got baptized at 26 years old.
In “Dynasty of Death” you said that Joseph’s great great grandfather was the originator of the generational curse - and he came through as a disembodied spirit currently living out his purgation. Does Joseph know or is there any indication to know if Joseph’s great great grandfather was a Protestant or a Catholic? Or maybe just even what is probable - Ie what denomination did Joseph’s family line tend to be?
Until recently I hadn't given these things much thought, then I made a couple of haitian friends, and they absolutely swear these are real. Then I read about Christopher Columbus...and it's one thing after another...including your episodes about the Crimea and another about a monster if I remember correctly. In gratitude Father Carlos, I offer you a bouquet of rosaries and 1 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass request/ intention. Thank you again.
So do all dogs go to heaven? Seriously, did God create the universal to only have humans and angels remain after the end of world? I, like Fr from last episode Discernment of Spirits, can’t reconcile a Creator throwing away everything but humans and angels. What happens to the rest of creation?