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with The Exorcist Files

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Thoughts on hypnotism

I’d love to hear Father’s thoughts on hypnotism. I know that sometimes it is used for positive medical purposes, and there are purely psychological explanations for the effects of hypnotism, but are there any negative implications of seemingly surrendering your will to another person? Is that a situation that the demonic could take advantage of?

Generational Spirits: Freemasonry

Hello Father, I've been listening to your podcasts on Freemasonry. I've recently found out about Freemasonry within my husband's (civilly divorced only-not annulled) family. How do I go about investigating this if I very strongly believe my 3 children are being afflicted? Their father is greatly against my Catholic upbringing of my children and this is very much a spiritual battle. If this is a result of a generational curse, do I have authority to pray specifically to renounce these ties over my children if he is technically still my husband or could I be making these attacks worse? Could I be afflicted by these ties as well if our marriage isn't annulled? Do parent-in-laws have authority to either pray over or even curse their son or daughter-in-law?

Names are vital

Father God is referred to as YAH in the Psalms. The Hebrews would not even dare to speak God's name. According to the Hebrew traditions, "Christ," is not a name specific to one person. Rather a classification. Is it respectful and okay to address God as "Abba Yahweh," and Jesus as Christ Jesus, or Jesus Christ rather than only "Christ." I also read that "Jesus," is not the correct translation. The real name is "Yeshua?" What are Father Martins' thoughts about this? Do technicalities matter to God as much as demons? I think not because God knows our hearts and loves us. Thank you.

Speaking in "tongues"

Fr. Martins said he speaks and prays in "tongues," at times. Does he understand what he is specifically saying?

December 25th is not Jesus's birthday?

I've heard multiple claims that the 25th of December was the day of a pagan festival. I'm not familiar with the rest of the details, but I'd like to know Father Martins's honest opinions on it and if he could give us some insight on the matter.