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with The Exorcist Files

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What is the effect of 70% of Catholics not believing in the True Presence of the Eucharist?

How do you feel about Eucharist ministers? How do you feel about people receiving in the hand?

Freemasonic items

Hello Father Carlos Martins, following S2-Case #11-Live Free-Pt 2, I was reminded that my great grandfather was a freemason, and that there were items passed down in my family. I have asked to acquire them so I can properly dispose of them. I don't own them---others do. I want to properly dispose of the items. How do I do that? Can I throw them out in the garbage or do I need to take certain steps to dispose of them (i.e. destroy them, burn them, bury them, etc)? Thanks.

Priests addressing Priests by First name only

I recently heard another priest call you Carlos and in another instance where you called another Priest by his first name. Is the formal "Father" dropped when it's another Priest or only if he is a well known friend of yours?

Priests addressing Priests by First name only

I recently heard another priest call you Carlos and in another instance where you called another Priest by his first name. Is the formal "Father" dropped when it's another Priest or only if he is a well known friend of yours?

Location Effects

Hi, I would like to know how much a location that has been host to occult practices, or even just malicious actions, influence or effect a person. I don't want to be too scrupulous about this, as I know that the most important thing is to be living as much as we can in Christ. Frequenting the sacraments etc... However, I have been in areas that give an almost immediately dark sense to them. All is up to God's permission nonetheless in how the devil can tempt and assail us, I know. But I'm curious if Father has any words or advice on the effect that a perhaps infested location can actually influence an individual? Thank you!