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with The Exorcist Files

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Deliverance ministry/prayer

Does Fr. have any thoughts or caveats on seeking out deliverance prayer such as Unbound ministries?

Deliverance ministry/prayer

Does Fr. have any thoughts or caveats on seeking out deliverance prayer such as Unbound ministries?

Satanic high wizards

I have watched former satanic high wizard Zachary King’s testimonies on YouTube. Is it true that high wizards exist? It is almost impossible to find any information on them on the internet.

Evil eye

What is an evil eye and how does it manifest?

Dungeons & Dragons

Hello, Fr. Martins. I've heard you stress the importance of getting rid of any and all occult items in one's possession (!), and I've also heard you give what, for some, may have been surprising comments about reading Harry Potter—namely, that it's actually not inherently evil or harmful; but it's not great literature either, and arguably isn't the most profitable use of one's time. Where on this scale (or off it) would you place playing the tabletop game, Dungeons and Dragons? Thanks!