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with The Exorcist Files

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Deliverance ministry such as Unbound

I was wondering if Fr. Martins has any advice or caveats to share if someone is seeking out deliverance prayer (Unbound ministries)? Thank you!

Old house renovated

Love the show and excited for more from The Vault! We purchased an old home and put in a new foundation so other than some original floor boards in what is now the basement ceiling, it’s all new, but the basement is unfinished. I exercise in the basement and in the same spot every morning when I go down there, there is a strong scent of body odor, and it’s only in that spot, but there’s nothing that should be causing the odor, especially BO. (And it’s not me, ha ha). I know demons can give off strong odors. Are there any type of prayers I could say down there to see if the odor will go away, in case it’s a demon? We’ve had the house blessed but not the basement. Thank you

Mute Demon

How do you obtain you obtain relevant information from a demon if it is mute?


So grateful for the opportunity to ask questions. I know Fr. Martins has mentioned that any mortal sin can set you up for a diabolical attack. The Catholic church teaches use of contraception is a mortal sin. Has he seen cases of possession in which the underlying cause was due to contraception or, similarly, homosexual relations?


Dear father Carlos, Thank you very much for your show. I recently got back to my catholic pratice and returned to confession after more than 30 years because of you. I have a rosary containing a relic of Saint brother Andre, a saint from Montreal (my own town) who had a devotion for St-Joseph. If this relic can be useful in your ministry, I would be glad to offer it to you. God bless you