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with The Exorcist Files

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How is an exorcism performed for oppression or obsession?

I know that full possession is rare and requires a lot of proof. How much proof does oppression require and is the rite the same? Is permission needed by the bishop?

Wicked curses

I’m wondering how exactly a demon has legal rights to afflict a christian because of a vow/curse/ritual that was pronounced generations previously done by a witch or satanist… not just a great grandparent, particularly when the christian being afflicted is completely unaware of a curse/powers against them. I’m a firm believer in generational curses but some have made the argument to me that we are in Gods family now and Christ has taken our curses upon himself, thus making claims that unknown curses/not participated in by the individual should be broken by surrendering to Jesus. How do curses from the wicked (witches and satanists) gain power in people’s lives when they haven’t participated in it and then be passed down through their family?

Spiritual head of the family

Hi Father Martins, As husband and father of 2 adopted children, can i pray to my wife and children's guardian angels for their protection and intercession for them? What spiritual authority do I have over my wife and children? I want to use this authority to aid in their salvation. (I assume that there is no difference between natural born children and legally adopted children in terms of spiritual things.) Thank you

What is the effect of 70% percent of Catholics not believing in the true presence of the Eucharist doing to us and why?

What is your take on Eucharist ministers? How do you feel about people receiving on the hand? What is the proper reception? I know one has to be out of mortal sin to receive. Our bishop took out almost all of our communion rails. Can you comment on this? Is the unbelief increasing possession cases?

Location Effects

Hi, I would like to know how much a location that has been host to occult practices, or even just malicious actions, influence or effect a person. I don't want to be too scrupulous about this, as I know that the most important thing is to be living as much as we can in Christ. Frequenting the sacraments etc... However, I have been in areas that give an almost immediately dark sense to them. All is up to God's permission nonetheless in how the devil can tempt and assail us, I know. But I'm curious if Father has any words or advice on the effect that a perhaps infested location can actually influence an individual? Thank you!