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with The Exorcist Files

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Lay assistant to an exorcist.

What level of holiness should a laymen have in order to be part of a team for an exorcist?

Blurry Creatures interview follow up and thoughts on the “creatures” other than demons

I listened to a few episodes after your interview but stopped. It was terrifying (like a “sorry guys there’s nothing to do about creatures until Christ comes back lock your doors”). Your podcast does the opposite and gives hope in Christ.

Feeling closer to God

How do you feel closer to God? I’m assuming the sacraments, doing mass, prayer but one of the reasons I’m so drawn to this podcast is because the evidence of the devil constantly reaffirms He is there, in control. Sometimes you pray, you do good deeds, take your sacraments, etc but you still don’t feel him. The devil seems to actively show himself much more than God or is it just the illusion, the lie? I’d love your advice and ideas Fr Martins! I’m a HUGE fan, I love you guys and the work you’re doing!!! God bless

Intersession of Angels and their assistance

I’ve always had, and especially recently, have had a deep love for the holy Angels and in particular for me Saint Raphael, as I work as a paramedic in and around Philly and have sought his assistance to guide my mind and hand in my line of work and have felt his guidance and help. I’ve always held a great reverence and appreciation for them as I feel their immense power in a way can be overlooked when people get fixated on focusing on discussing the demonic. I was a wonder in when if I ver you’ve personally asked for the intercession of the archangels during an exorcism, if there was a reaction from the demon, if anything at all occurred when you asked this and for my own curiosity particularly if there were any cases where Raphael specifically was of great spiritual assistance in the persons liberation a deliverance or healing, or if the demon held a great level of fear or hatred for him.

How does the church view mediums?

In a previous episode, a former high priestess of the occult stated that nobody is born with “natural” gifts. There has been a popular movement in Hollywood with celebrity mediums. These mediums claim that their “gifts” started appearing in early childhood, for example ghosts would appear to them with messages. These mediums seem to be well intentioned by helping families find closure with their loved ones that have passed. What is the church’s opinion on people who claim to have been born with these gifts? Should they ignore communication from the hidden realm? Or are these gifts, in fact, not natural. Was there a pact made somewhere in order to receive this knowledge and abilities?