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Question for Father Martins regarding abortion

Hello Exorcist Files, I am a huge fan of the podcast and so grateful for everything y'all are doing and all the stories you are sharing. Everything is so informative and helpful. You guys are the best!! I just signed up for the Vault membership and I have a question for Father Martins that he can hopefully answer on his podcast! My question is- have you ever had any cases that are related to abortion? I work at a pro-life ministry and my co-workers and I often talk about the spiritual warfare involved in what we do and in the lives of the clients we see. Have you ever had a case having to do with abortion? If so, what happened? Also, what are your thoughts on abortion and how the enemy uses it in the lives of individuals as well as the effect it has on our nation as a whole? Does it give the demonic "kingdom" some kind of power? And lastly, for those of us working in this field, should we expect demonic attacks that would try to thwart us from helping women choose life for their pregnancies? Please share any other thoughts and experiences you have related to this topic. Thank you so much!! -Annie

International Association of Exorcists (A.I.E)

Hi Father Martins and Ryan, Does the A.I.E. extend training and membership to exorcists from various Christian denominations, and does this include women Exorcists? Thank you. Love and blessings to you.

Protestant here

Why we do not see anything like: "Paul asked Daniel to interceed", or "Peter prayed and asked Enoch for intercession." Here is why I am a protestant. Thanks for sharing your experience Father Carlos. ❣️

Protestant here

Why we do not see anything like: "Paul asked Daniel to interceed", or "Peter prayed and asked Enoch for intercession." Here is why I am a protestant. Thanks for sharing your experience Father Carlos. ❣️

Protestant here

Why we do not see anything like: "Paul asked Daniel to interceed", or "Peter prayed and asked Enoch for intercession." Here is why I am a protestant. Thanks for sharing your experience Father Carlos. ❣️