Last week, my husband and I attended a friend’s celebration of life. Her family decided to incorporate several Native American ceremony practices into her celebration of life including a blessing upon all of the participants using an eagle feather, the calling upon the four corners to strengthen us, a water union blessing, etc. My husband and I felt uncomfortable especially considering the Native American couple they invited to perform these rituals spoke about calling in the spirits of the north, south, east, and west into the room. I felt like they could have potentially been calling in demons to enter the room. I prayed the entire time for the Holy Spirit to come instead. My question is, how should a Christian handle these encounters? We felt it would be rude to get up and leave, but through the regular episodes of the podcast, I’m learning intention doesn’t matter much. Should we be worried about our presence during these practices?
Living in the southwest of the USA such as Arizona and California a lot of people I know personally that want a Spanish translation anything in the works potentially for it? Even my wife’s grandparents wish to obtain knowledge and understanding but it’s difficult for them to understand when their native language is Spanish.