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with The Exorcist Files

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Can children become possessed?

If children can become possessed, how would happen? Thank you.

Can children become possed?

If children can become possessed, how would happen? Thank you.

Malachi Martin

Hi Father! What are your thoughts on Malachi Martin? I know he’s a controversial figure in the Church, but his books have been intriguing for readers in regards to exorcism.

Intercession of angels during exorcism

In the interest of not giving the demons any more attention then they’re due (which is little to none) I’d instead like to ask a question about the Good and Holy Angels. During your time in sessions father have you ever had the intercession of any of the named Archangels (Michael, Gabriel or Raphael) that the demons or possessed indicated by a reaction of hatred and/or fear or perhaps of someone’s guardian angel and what kind of power an effect they had upon the demon and how it assisted the afflicted. In particular if the demon said anything in fear about the power or splendor of God reflected in the Angel that was there or about the power the had over the demon.

Tv series The Chosen

I just wanted to ask, is the tv series the chosen good for catholics or not?